Sensors for IOT and Embedded Projects:
As we know IoT market is booming and major component which will have huge market potential is sensor. There are two main divisions in IoT network digital back end and front end mainly consists of IoT sensors. The major benefit of these big market will be captured by semiconductor companies.

We will see IoT sensors which are used for optical, ambient light, temperature, pressure, Inertia, humidity, proximity, gesture, touch and fingerprint sensing applications. These sensors are based on MEMS technology. MEMS is the short form of Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems.
If the sensors are digital it is straight forward to interface with microcontroller using SPI. If the sensors are analog, either Analog to Digital converter is needed as mentioned later from Analog devices. Otherwise Sigma Delta modulator can be used which converts analog data to the SPI output. It is easy to interface SPI signals with any microcontroller devices.
Pressure Sensor
This type of sensor detects pressure around the earth which is bery much useful to develop altimeter as well as barometer. LPS25H pressure sensor from ST-Microelectronics is one such IoT sensing device. It is used for GPS based navigation.

Accelerometer and gyroscope

Accelerometer is used to detect vibration,tilt and linear acceleration. It is used for implementation of pedometer,levelling,vibration alert,anti-theft and more. Gyroscope is used to measure angular velocity. Gyroscope is mainly used in 3D mouse,games and athlete training.
ADXL 335/345 is normaly used for Arduino and IOT .

Temperature sensor

It is used to control performance of the IoT device at varied temperatures. One example of temperature sensor is the ADT7320. It is digital temperature sensor with range from -40 degreeC to +150 degreeC. It is interfaced directly with microcontroller in a IoT device.

LM35,DS18B20 another example of digital sensors for IOT and Arduino.
Humidity sensor
Similar to temperature sensor it is also used to control performance of the device. HTU21D from Measurement Specialties is digital humidity sensor. The NPA-700 series of humidity sensor from GE sensing provides digital output data using the industry-standard I2C protocol.
Si70xx series from Silicon Laboratories Inc. is also used as humidity and temperature sensors.
DHTxx series is normaly used for arduino projects.Then you can also use for IOT.

Proximity sensor

Silicon Labs' optical sensor family enables sensing UV Index, ambient light, long range proximity, heart rate/pulse oximetry and motion with 2D or 3D gestures. Model series Si114x, Si1132, Si1120 and Si1102 are sensors from Silicon Labs used as infrared proximity sensors.
Touch sensor
Silicon Labs has 8bit and 32bit Microcontrollers which are used as capacitive touch sense applications. viz. sliders, wheels, touch buttons, liquid level sensing and capacitive proximity sensing.
Another Example:  SHARP 2Y0A21 Infrared Proximity Sensor

Analog to Digital Converter

AD7176-2 from Analog Devices is used as analog to digital converter It works on very low bandwidth input signals originated from sensors. It has faster settling time. It is very accurate and has high resolution sigma-delta ADC.

All the sensors are available in markets ,You can also choose any other sensors according to your applications.

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